Friday, October 22, 2010


Lately some hits in the NFL are getting some attention and eventually has led to more severe punishment for players who head hunt. Now could the NFL be over-reacting due to the amount of injuries late week because of head hits, its entirely possible and now especially that we might have a lock out at the end of the season. This conflict between the players union and the NFL representatives don't look like its going to be cured in the near future. Although it should be noted that I think owners are smart enough to realize that NFL makes so much money that they dont want to ruin it.
With the injuries though due to helmet to helmet collisions are pretty avoidable as evidence by the College game players in college dont head hunt but once they get on the big stage they decide they should put guys in the hospital. So Im sure what all the sudden made them decide they want to play dirty. Maybe its the coaching, money, highlights, and endorsements.
The thing though is the most ridiculous and absurd part about this whole week is the over-reaction of defensive players. Like James Harrison the Steelers Line backer who completed retirement at age 29 because he didnt like getting fined for giving a guy a concussion. The funniest part of that was he was nobody till Dick Lebeau the defensive coordinator made him into defensive player of the year. Now he thinks he's worth something that he has leverage to give up millions of dollars he didnt have before he became a Steeler. Most people watch quarterbacks and great offenses in the NFL, I like defense but the numbers dont lie and they say that people would rather see offensive players not get killed.


Last Saturday I couldn't wait for the stand up special of Bo Burnham. So later that night I watched what was incredibly inappropriate, offensive, and freaking hilarious. Ive listened to alot of different artists and there are some very clever ones out there. Most comics and singers are really only good at one thing and anything else they try and do they fail miserable. This kid Bo is probably the most talented, creative, brilliant, genius, and lyrical master.
His special was on Comedy central was hilarious and he created some of the most addicting songs to listen to on his CD. I think he got a great future in comedy, music, and just being on TV in general. He is a breath of fresh air in a industry that has too much parody. So would strongly advise people to watch his special "words, words, words" and enjoy it. 

Friday, October 15, 2010


This last few weeks there have been some movies coming out with actors and directors who were unproven and really horrible at what they do as a whole. Ben Affleck simply a horrible actor just awful but he comes out and does "the Town" as an actor and a director. This movie got some great reviews and could be up for a few Oscars nominations when the time comes. Justin Timberlake I think is still an over- rated talent overall but he was very good in the movie the "Social Network". I use to think that Jesse Eisenberg was a poor mans Michael Cera, but he has surpassed Cera in sure awesomeness that is his performance in the "Social Network". The point being eventually people find there niche and these guys have done better than I ever would of expected espcially Justin Timberlake.

Fall Break

A much needed relief and will be taken advantage of by myself to sleep and basically be lazy. I think my friends and I are going to be watching a lot of movies and playing a lot of video games and watching  some football. I do have to work a lot but thats ok with me. The big thing though is sleeping till 11:30 will be simply glorious it will be my little slice of heaven. I think I am in a scary movie mood maybe ill watch some Silent Hill which is pretty bad-ass. Although once Wednesday comes it will be back to the grind stone with school work and work-work.
Then after this break we have to wait till thanksgiving till the next break in school. So lets enjoy this time now and have a wonderful fall break.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Expansion of the mens NCAA basketball tournment

About a year ago there was serious discussion about expanding the NCAA basketball tournament from 65 teams to 96 teams this was a hot topic during spring then was abandoned by the committee. There was some hot debate that went along with it and alot of people were screaming at each other for expansion and anti expansion.
It was a curious debate in that I feel like the call for expansion was an overreaction to what happened that season in basketball. The traditional powers like North Carolina, Connecticut, UCLA, Indiana (but thats nothing new), Arizona, and even though Kentucky made it last year they struggled a couple years ago. These teams all either didn't make it or have had trouble lately. College basketball doesn't make near as much money as football but the traditional powers generate pretty good revenue for the tournament. They want to prevent this by expanding the tournament so just about all the teams that are the money makers get in the tournament.
The problem with this is that they way it will affect the regular season. Regular season basketball is already pretty irrelevant just because there is too many games to figure out what we already know for the most part which is what teams make it. The board did eventually expand the tournament to 68 teams which made a lot of programs very happy but this is messing with something that's already perfect.

almost half way done

As week 7 closes and week 8 begins I have to begin buckling down to get caught back up in school. I have a tendency to be lazy the half of the school year and at the beginning im like this isn't going to be the case this semester be just as consistent as death and taxes I am in the same position.
I think I just need to realize that unless there is no TV, internet, and sports going on I will postpone things I need to get done. This blog is really about nothing at all I'm just drawing a blank on what to put up on the internet so here it is. If the teachers would just fast foward me to week 8 with my anticipated grades and just let me start from there I will be in much better position.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Qb Success

In the NFL there are many theories to why some quarterbacks are successful and why some of them crash and burn so badly. So people point to there work ethic and as people themselves. Others might point out race and maybe the coaches who teach them. Some say its the college teams they played for and which schools have better prepared there players to take the next step in the game. Maturity level could be a factor and so could the inability to be a team player.
So out of all these different scenarios on why a quarterback is successful which one of them is consistent to the makings of a great Quarterback. I would say just about everything anybody came up with to correlate a reason to boom or bust could be proven false. If you were take the top Quarterbacks ever and compare them you could find nothing to indicate what was the factor to making them successful besides being in the right place at the right time.
I think though if you look at each one of there stats and look at two things one how they preform after a terrible game. The other one is what there third down conversion is. They say you measure a Quarter backs greatness in what he does in the playoffs and the Superbowl. If you look at the top third down completion stats last year in the playoffs they were both the Colts and the Saints. All the current elite Quarterbacks in this league are great in third down conversions.

The herd

As far as media personality there are few I enjoy on a regular basis at any given time. This goes with any politic, sports, or even entertainment of any other kind. I find most of them to be scripted very generic or completely unbelievable. Thats why I am completely sincere when I talk about my favorite radio/TV personality as being my favorite and the best at what he does. He is controversial and maybe a bit cold but he believes what he believes because he looks at from a non emotional stance. Colin Cowherd on ESPN radio from nine to twelve Mondays through Fridays is the best part about driving during that time. He takes a different perspective from most other radio guys and TV pundits for that matter. Even if I dont agree with everything he says about sports I know its based on some logic and his own true belief system.